Furniture Memory game
With this Quizlet set about the topic of furniture students can revise vocabulary. Pre-intermediate vocabulary connected to housing/furniture/rooms. A set of flashcards designed with Quizlet. I intend to cut out, …
With this Quizlet set about the topic of furniture students can revise vocabulary. Pre-intermediate vocabulary connected to housing/furniture/rooms. A set of flashcards designed with Quizlet. I intend to cut out, …
Ein Übungsblatt, das die Sudoku Kunst in Form eines Podcasts vorstellt. Nach einigen Conversation Questions, folgen ein paar Fragen zum Thema und dann ein Sudoku zum Ausfüllen. Als Alternative hat …
The following worksheet with instructions can be used freely in the classroom. In this exercise students can write a newspaper text based on a podcast summary. Most emailed articles worksheet