Unknown famous people

I re-designed an older activity, which I owe to Diana Eastment, and tried it in one of my lab classes. I’ve had this one for a while but haven’t actually tried it with any students.  It works fairly well. Especially since most of the kids haven’t heard of Culture Club or Wham. Gave me a reason to play Last Christmas.

Unknown famous people

How many of the names can you match with the real names of the people?

  1. John Wayne                             Bernard Schwartz
  2. Tina Turner                             Reginald Dwight
  3. Judy Garland                           Georgios Panayiotou
  4. Whoopie Goldberg                  Allen Konigsberg
  5. Bob Dylan                               Paul Hewson
  6. George Michael                       Eleanora Fag Marion
  7. Kirk Douglas                           Ehrich Weiss
  8. Billie Holliday                          George Alan O’Dowd
  9. Harry Houdini                         Marion Michael Morrison
  10. Bono                                       Issur Danielovitch Demsky
  11. David Bowie                            David Robert Jones
  12. Boy George                             Caryn Johnson
  13. Elton John                               Frances Gumm
  14. Tony Curtis                             Annie Mae Bullock
  15. Woody Allen                           Robert Zimmerman


a: Use an appropriate search engine on the web to find the real names of the people you could not find (Try bing.com for a google alternative)

b: Choose one personality, which interests you to find out more about them. Prepare a 30 second talk about this personality. In your talk you should not mention the name of the person so that the others can guess it. Write notes on the back of the paper. Source: Diana Eastment

Unknown famous people

Unknown famous people